Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cover Love (4)

Week 4 of my latest feature, Cover Love, is here! Want to participate in book-cover judging? Here are the rules:
- Each week, I pick two covers that I love. These covers can be from old, new, or upcoming YA, adult, or picture books!
- This meme is open to anyone and everyone, just as long as you remember to post a link back here to Bookworm Readers!
Here are this week's picks:
DupliKate by Cherry Cheva

I just love the Andy Warhol-ish colors and simplicity of this cover! Plus the title is awesome. I couldn't find a summary on Amazon, but I can't wait to check this one out!

Devoured by Amanda Marrone

Oooh, this one is just so pretty. The dark colors and the apple just make me wonder what the story's about. It just gives off such a mysterious vibe that makes me want to read it!

...See you next Tuesday for more Cover Lovin'! 

PS. Oh, and I'm sorry that I didn't post this on Tuesday, when I was supposed to. I was in San Diego all of yesterday and came home really late!


Brittany said...

I really enjoy the cover of Devoured too!

Kristen said...

Both of those I'm loving. Thanks for sharing!

Briana said...

I LOVE the cover or Devoured. It kind of reminds me of Twilight, with a face and much more colors.

Angela said...

A great cover is so important for a book - often a good cover is enough to make me want to read a book that I might not have read otherwise.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Ooo Devoured looks great. I'm adding that to my list. Thanks :)