Thursday, May 22, 2008


Caitlin McCourt wants to be a diva. No, not the kind of diva that's super-rich and snobby. An opera diva. One day, she wants to sing in front of huge auditoriums of loving fans that will cheer and throw her flowers. But in order to do this, she must have the proper training. And that's why she just HAS to get into The Miami High School of the Arts. And it's not just to sing. She wants to get away from her old life with her former fatgirl image, abusive boyfriend, and cheerleader friends who don't accept her for who she is and what she loves-opera. But when Caitlin gets into the MHSA, her problems haven't completely vanished. Her mother is still dressing like a fourteen year old, dating a horrible man, Caitlin has to take dance class (which she is terrible at) three times a week, and the only boy she actually likes at her new school can't like her back. So Caitlin takes on the name of Opera_Grrrl in an online journal and pours her heart out daily. Then things change for Caitlin: she makes some awesome friends who like her for who she actually is, her teacher talks to her about a summer opera program that Caitlin could possibly have a shot at, and Caitlin finds her true self: she no longer has to pretend that she's someone who she's not. This YA novel by Alex Flinn is an amazing kick-butt story about being yourself with a hearty dose of friends, fun, and opera.

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